19 Nisan 2013 Cuma

Haset, Husumet, Rezalet - Arter

İstiklal Cadde'sinde dolaşırken her daim girilmesi gereken mekanlardan bir tanesi de Arter. Sergilerinde hep çağdaş sanatçılara ev sahipliği yapan Arter, bu sergisinde Emre Baykal'ın küratörlüğünde ve "Haset, Husumet, Rezalet" teması altında aşağıdaki sanatçıları bir araya getirmiş.

Selim Birsel
Hera Büyüktaşçıyan
Aslı Çavuşoğlu
Merve Ertufan & Johanna Adebäck
Nilbar Güreş
Berat Işık
Şener Özmen
Yusuf Sevinçli
Erdem Taşdelen
Hale Tenger
Mahir Yavuz

En çok ilgimi çeken projenin detaylarını, eserin sahibi Erdem Taşdelen'in kendinden okuyalım;

5-channel video installation
48' 23" / 43' 11" / 55' 54" / 56' 06" / 60' 29"
For this project, I went to five therapy sessions with a psychotherapist over the course of two months to resolve my anxieties about my career and being an artist in general. I asked: What if I’m not creative enough? What would happen to me if I stopped being an artist? What satisfaction do I get from exposing myself? Why do I envy more successful artists? Will I be happy if I am successful? This work was produced with the support of ARTER specifically for an exhibition titled Envy, Enmity, Embarrassment curated by Emre Baykal. Although the presence of the cameras during the sessions necessitated a certain amount of self-editing, the videos are all shown in their entirety, which inevitably puts me in a vulnerable position and investigates whether a work of art can be viewed separately from its creator’s personality.

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